I know its not meant to be about the props and minis, but I've been trying to entice some beginners (a.k.a. my wife and stepson) to give DnD a go for about two years.
A 10x10 grid system, so peeps can figure out distances.
I might have been a little too enthusiastic to be fair, generating an entire world and set of scenarios... possibly... probably... and despite my stepson reading and retaining just about every monster stat in the book, things have gone cold.
Some simple and quick hovels made from XPS foam, EVA foam, and crafting sticks.
In the meantime we've be building up quite a lot of stuff to play the game, including a small village of hovels, playing grid - to scale for 28mm, and collecting minis as we find them.
I ordered in some Reaper Miniatures from Ausy and we've been getting monsters and characters from our local Wizkids suppliers Wizards Retreat and Iron Knight Games.
The Wizkids stuff sure does paint up nicely and really enjoyed painting the Beholder and Gricks.
Got carried away with the raptor painting, dabbing away down the sides with different colours, and I think the Orc on the end was free with a Reapers purchase.
Its not the same without some town guard to suck up some attacks, think these are Reaper Minis and the dragon born are Wizkids.
Hopefully we'll get a game in at some point in the near future 😆