Monday, 3 March 2025

15mm Sci Fi 'Bad Guys'

Feeling the need to field some bad guys against the space dwarves, exterminators, and space brits painted last year, over the holiday break I smashed out some more of the mountain of pewter.

First up some of Ground Zero Games, 15mm, Star Grunt, Alien Mercenary Squad and Alien Mercs II.

To me, and probably intentionally, these guys look like the Mangalores from the 5th element, so have painted as such.

Then I felt the need for some high-tech space lizards, so painted up my collection of Khurasan Miniatures, Garn Alien Warriors.

I finished a couple of hunting packs, distinguished by their lizard highlight colouring.

Also an overall leader and a couple of 'big boys' carrying support weapons. The leader's cloaking device was working exceptionally well and every picture I took of them was blurry. This is the best one.

The detail on these figures is awesome, including their cloaking/shield equipment.

I kinda like these guys. They tower over 15mm humans and, in my 'space world', have tech so much more advanced, that the humans mostly don't have a chance 😆

Next, I feel the need to field some killer flora!

More Retro Epic Astra Militarum


Another quick post for the last lot of Cadians done, a mechanised infantry company to go with the last lot of Cadians.

These are older, pre-Epic Armageddon Imperial Guard Chimeras, Griffons and infantry from way back, which have painted up OK.

Pretty sure Epic Armageddon companies were 12 stands plus a commander, so that's 7 Chimeras to carry them and a platoon of Griffons attached for direct support.

I've included a Commissar mainly because I had the figure. 

Again, I borrowed some decals from 40k sheets and meticulously spent hours giving the IFVs some numbering 😆.
 Think I might do some Orks next or maybe splash out for Steel Legion figs.