Its been a long time since I rock'n'rolled, or painted figures for that matter, but a freakish mix of small, fragged, contracts, interspersed with small windows of spare time, has given me a chance to start catching up - back in April I said I'd get a couple of AWI Black Powder brigades, for both sides, finished by June. Hmmm... its September...
First off the table this month is some more of the smaller, auxiliary units, and here its the 3rd Continental Dragoons, mounted and foot.
These are from the Strelets Set 119 British Cavalry (Egypt) and Set M071 British Light Infantry in Egypt, with uniform fairly close (close enough at this scale anyway) for AWI dragoons and light troops - with only minor alterations mentioned in the Lee's Legion post.
The uniform is contemporary from a picture on the net with reference to the Black Powder: Rebellion! supplement, white jacket with light blue/blue facings, and buff breeches.
Although these guys wore a leather helmet, it is possible some or all eventually ended up wearing the 'Tarleton' helmet, so the Strelets figures serve just as well.
Continuing on with the theme of support troops, these are based as a small BP cavalry unit and a small light infantry (foot dragoons) unit; or can be fielded as a single cavalry unit that can dismount.
Very nice!